Volume 10 • Dark Energy
64 Programs • 32 Combis
New Sounds for Nautilus MS-20 & Polysix Synth Engines
Only $39.
Korg PCG format • Download Delivery
Our collection of sounds for the MS-20 & Polysix Synth Engines is now available! An amazing assortment of Programs & Combis with a hard edge, in your face, analog synth sound.
Only $39. USD.
Pump Up Your Nautilus with Dark Energy!! The new sound library includes a wide assortment of classic analog synth sounds for the Kronos MS-20 & Polysix synth engines. A new take on all the sounds that these two vintage synths are capable of, along with a great new mix of modern 21st century patches that's guaranteed to spice up your Nautiluss and give you some new ideas for your next track. Amazing new analog basses, leads, pads, super synths and cool rhythms using the Polysix arpeggiator and Nautilus step sequencer plus much more.
All programs and combis include drum track as well as control assignments to the Nautilus Joystick, Vector Stick, SW1 & SW2 and User Knobs 5-8. The result is the best analog sound with the best modern controls that will inspire you to create amazing new music. All thrill and no fill.
Nautilus Dark Energy is perfect for your next studio recording or live gig. Or if you just want to jam along, the cool grooves included on all Programs & Combis will have you jamming for hours!

Dark Energy Mix
Shredder Lead
Sonix Dancer
Long Island Sound
Dark Energy 2