Korg Nautilus PCG Sound Bundle

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SPECIAL Korg Nautilus SOUND BUNDLE PACK: Get ALL 15 of our Nautilus sound sets for only $399. USD

An amazing collection of sounds for the Korg Nautilus – weighing in at: 832 Programs, 360 Combis, 10 Drum Kits, 32 Guitar Loops, 32 Wave Sequences and over 3 GB of New Samples!

SAVE BIG, when you get the complete package of EXi Super Synths, Vintage Synths 1 2 & 3, Hit Factory, Sonix Bliss, Electric Guitars 1,2 & 3, Analog Sensation, Wave Machine, Classic Rock, Electric Pianos, Dark Energy and Soundtrack Mix for the special low price of $399. USD.

More info on all our Nautilus Kronos sounds can be found at Our Nautilus Web Page.

Time Warp – The Rocky Horror Convention – Calderone Concert Hall, Hempstead, NY 2/20/78

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Richard O’Brien – Vocals
Nell Campbell – Vocals
Patricia Quinn – Vocals
Warren Cuccurullo – Music Director, Guitar
Jay Cuccurullo – Drums
Joey Avitto – Bass
Dave Elias – Tenor Sax
Steve Proto – Keyboards

It was sometime in January 1978 that I got a call from Warren asking me if I would be interested in playing keyboards for a gig that he just landed at the Calderone Concert Hall. We would be the back up band for the the stars of the Rocky Horror Show. Warren and I went to high school together and knew each other from the neighborhood bands. I said, sign me up! I was a big Rocky Horror fan and was psyched to get to play those amazing songs live with Richard O’Brien and the rest of the cast.

I brought along my tape recorder to document the event, but placed the mics too close to the PA speakers. So, the recording has the vocals and piano up front and you can’t really hear the rest of the band. Still. you can feel the energy between us and the crowd as the place rocked. Lot’s of fun.

Nothing like playing the Time Warp in front of thousands of screaming fans. Good times.

How To Download & Load Sounds Into The Korg Krome Workstations

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Here’s some info on exactly what’s needed once you purchase and download our Korg Krome sounds. Just unzip the file and save the “Kid Nepro Krome” folder to your computers hard drive. From there you need to transfer the sounds to a “SD” card, which you then insert into your Krome. Once the card is inserted, just go to the “Media” section of Krome and load. Here’s the details on how it works:

How to get our sounds from your desktop to your Krome:

You need a SD Card & Smart Media adapter. Also known as a “card reader”. Make sure that you get a card reader that has the SD option. Some card readers will have up to eight different card options. So just make sure that your SD card and reader will work together.

SD cards and card readers can be found at many places that sell computer accessories for a few dollars. Connect the smart media adapter to the USB port on your computer. Then insert the SD card to the Smart Media adapter and the card will appear on your computers desktop. Unzip the file you downloaded and save everything to the SD card. Then take the card out of the adapter and insert into your Krome and load from the “media” section. Follow the details in the loading instructions that we included with your download.

It’s quick & simple and the price of the adapter and the SD card are about what you would pay for shipping via snail mail. Note that files our delivery via download only. Pick the “email delivery” option at our online order form. If you need any more info just e-mail us. Our customer support rules.

Download Korg Krome Sounds

Krome Smart Media Setup:

Krome SM Setup

Krome SD Card:

Krome SD Card

Krome Smart Media Adapter:

Krome SM Adapter

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