

Here’s how to have our sample libraries load automatically when you start Kronos. For maximum flexibility, best to keep your KSC files separate and enable/disable each KSC on the Auto-Load page as desired. Just follow these three simple steps.

1- After you download and save our files to your external hard drive, find the Kid Nepro Kronos folder and copy it to your Kronos Internal Hard Drive. To do that, choose the folder and go to “Utility/Copy”. Change the Drive Select to “Internal HD”, then choose “Paste”.

2- Go to Disk/Load. Find the Kid Nepro folder, choose open and choose the Kid Nepro User Bank KSC. Load the User Bank KSC into memory.

3- Go to Global/KSC Auto Load. The newly loaded KSC will already have been added to the list automatically. Enable the Auto-Load checkbox for the KSC.

Everything should now load when your start Kronos.

You can check it by choosing “Do Auto Load Now” without having to restart. Remember to check the box next to each file that you would like to load at start up. Note that the Preload Data KSC file must be loaded during start up since many of our sounds require that the factory drum samples be loaded during start up.

 CLICK HERE for more info on all our Kronos Sounds